After the delicious and extra moist Jamaican Oxtail, we are on the sweet side of life with today’s recipe: Vegan Rose Water Pancakes with Shea Butter Caramel.
Well, that’s a lot! I promise it sounds more complicated that what it actually is.

First of all, pancakes are pancakes: there is no extraordinary science behind them.
What I mean is: a couple of ingredients might change from the “traditional” recipe but at the end it still takes 3 steps and no more than 5 minutes to make the batter.

As a proud brunchista, I eat pancakes almost every week and this time I wanted vegan pancakes that didn’t require the use of bananas in the batter. I have nothing against bananas, I simply wanted something different.
This is actually my second pancake recipe on the blog: the first one was the Ricotta and Lemon Pancakes recipe.

I absolutely love the flavor of anything rose-related. I decided to use rosewater in these pancakes to go with the rose jam (Gulkand) I had bought from Dicloveda. A couple of tablespoons are enough to completely change your pancake recipe.

I paired some pancakes with rose jam and others with a vegan shea butter caramel. I cannot thank Julie from Popolovescooking enough for the caramel recipe: I simply changed the quantity of sugar and switched to a plant-based liquid cream to make it lactose free and vegan.
If you are not familiar with Shea Butter (or Beurre de Karite in French), it’s a rich butter used in West and Western-Central Africa for.. pretty much anything: it’s great for your hair, skin, body and it’s edible! It has a pronounced flavor so not everybody will be a fan, but it works wonders and tastes great in this caramel recipe.

Feel free to use add, change or mix-and-match your toppings of choice for these vegan rose pancakes.
Well, without further ado, here’s the recipe. Scroll down to find the tutorial for the Shea butter Caramel.
Bon appetit!
Rosewater Vegan Pancakes, Rose Jam and Karité Caramel, with Video
Course: Brunch8
- Pancakes
135g flour
1/4 teaspoon Salt
8g Baking powder
225g Plant milk
2 tablespoons Rose water
2 tablespoons Agave syrup
1 teaspoon Poppy seeds
Vegan Butter/Margarine
Rose Jam (or any other jam)
- Shea Caramel
50g raw Shea Butter
95g Sugar
120cl Vegan Cream (warm)
- Shea Caramel
- Heat up a small saucepot. Add in sugar, 1 tablespoon of water and melt.
- When it starts to caramelize, add in the shea butter and the warm cream.
- Whisk until smooth.
- Pancakes
- In a bowl, add in milk, rose water and agave syrupe. Stir well.
- In a bowl, add in flour, salt and baking powder. Stir well.
- Add wet mixture to dry mixture. Do NOT overmix.
- Let sit 5 minutes.
- Heat up a frying pan. Add a tablespoon of vegan butter.
- Once hot, add a scoop of pancake batter. Cook on both sides until golden.
- Repeat until there’s no more batter.
- Serve with jam, caramel or butter.
Tes recettes sont toujours tres belles et j ai testé les recettes des patisseries. Et mes enfants ont adoré!! Merci de publier si fréquement parce que je n ai jamais d idées de repas du coup je viens consulter ton blog à chaque fois.
Merci pour ce beau commentaire!